Learning Programmes for Churches
Peter Smith

The enormous strides forward already taken and being taken by Darwinism are partly the result of "Creation Silence" instead of Creation Science in Creationist Churches. Churches need teaching programmes which systematically educate their congregations both Biblically and scientifically.

1) The Biblical foundation could be provided in Sunday Sermons. The emphasis on the Biblical Revelation of God as the Creator should at least bear comparison to the emphasis on Jesus as Saviour. Too many churches focus on the latter several times a week, while hardly mentioning the former. This imbalance needs to be redressed.

2) The science might also be provided in Sunday Sermons. There is nothing in scripture to forbid "Science on Sunday", and much to encourage us to do whatever lifts up the Name of the Lord. Weekday meetings also have a place, but since attendance at these is often much thinner, Sunday may be the only time to reach everyone. The science might be restricted to, say, twelve key areas which deny evolution and/or point to Creation. These would need to be put across in an easy, accessible style for non-scientists, but in sufficient depth and detail to enable people to use these arguments themselves.

3) The damage evolution does must also be covered. Few people have any real idea of the role of evolution in producing or encouraging mass abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, promiscuity, fascism, undermining of Scripture, etc.

4) It would be good if a small group, including some church leaders, made a basic one or two year programme covering all these areas. This could be tested by leaders in their own churches, and then published for use in others.

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© Peter Smith, 1998.

Contact email address: earthhist@aol.com
This page updated 1 March 2000

2nd Creation Activists Conference 1998
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