Is Our God Asleep? -

To contact Randall Hardy about his Bible teaching in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, please use the email address below.

It would be appreciated if you would carefully read the following information first.

I will do my best to respond as soon as I possibly can, but if a significant number of people have written to me it may take a while. If there is a backlog, I’ll send you a brief acknowledgement upon receipt of your message.

I would very much appreciate it if you would take the time to introduce yourself including:

I am sorry to be so formal, but my experience to date is that if people do not introduce themselves properly in email, they are probably not looking for a serious answer.

Finally, please do not add me to any distribution list. If I begin to receive unsolicited circular or group emails from any address, I normally block that address on my server.

The email address to use to contact me is

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